
The Philosophy of Oral Sex


When we first come into this world, our nakedness is welcomed. Everything about us is referred to as ‘cute’ and ‘adorable,’ from our chubby cheeks to the rolls on our skin, bare bottoms, and toes. We are always touched and held close. Everyone around us is delighted by the simplest things we do, like cooing, rolling over, or blowing saliva bubbles. In simple terms, we feel loved for just existing. Then gradually, things change. The breast is no longer offered when we cry. No one finds our nakedness cute, in fact it is considered vulgar. We dress up, cover-up, and become guarded. Parts of our bodies can’t be touched. We also can’t be physically close with anyone without causing discomfort or being accused of getting “in their personal space.” This withdrawal of acceptance and love is what society deems adulthood. At our core, we still yearn to be accepted as we are. ……and this is where oral sex is beneficial. We not only get physical pleasure from it but emotional relief. The thought alone is revolting and disgusting with the wrong person, but with the right person, the inappropriate nature of it is strangely intoxicating. Knowing that someone is enjoying parts of us that many find unappealing is the epitome of acceptance… the act of fellacio, cunnilingus, and analingus is deemed more intimate than penetrative sex. Imagine someone sucking on a penis like it was their favorite lollipop, teasing the vagina and arousing the clit with immaculate tongue movements…or spreading ass cheeks to lick the anus. Society, in general, requires us to be polite, neat and posed. To hide parts of ourselves that isn’t appealing: our secretions and excretions, our anger and fragility, our lust and desires. We get the message constantly that to be liked; we can’t reveal who we are. Hence the emotional relief we get when we engage in oral sex. It allows our secret selves with all its dirty sides to be seen and enjoyed by the person we like. The more unacceptable the behavior, the stronger our mutual acceptance. This is why the bond of loyalty between couples increases with an increase in explicitness. Oral sex liberates us from the reality of loneliness and self-disgust. By using our mouth-the the most respectable part on our face- to eagerly place it on the most contaminated part of another symbolizes approval from there we not only get sexual gratification but what we’ve always wanted…..acceptance.

link: https://mwiriadona.medium.com/the-philosophy-of-oral-sex-ecd05d31d65b

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