
Prince Ea

Prince Ea tên thật là Richard Williams, sinh năm 1988 tại St. Louis, Missouri. Nghệ danh Prince Ea được anh lấy sau khi tốt nghiệp hạng ưu ĐH Missouri - St. Louis, xuất phát từ thần thoại của người Sumer (một nền văn minh cổ, nay thuộc Nam Iraq), có nghĩa là Hoàng tử Trái đất.

Sau khi ra trường, ban đầu anh trình diễn nhạc hip hop, rap và đã có một số giải thưởng giá trị, nhưng đến 2014 anh chuyển qua sản xuất video diễn thuyết về các vấn đề nóng như môi trường, chủng tộc, lối sống, giáo dục, tâm linh ..

Những bài diễn thuyết với lập luật sắc sảo, thỉnh thoảng lại chen những trích dẫn đắc địa từ những danh nhân như Einstein, Gandi; danh tác như Lão tử Đạo Đức Kinh, Chí tôn ca (cuốn kinh thánh của đạo Hindu) khiến bài diễn thuyết thêm sức thuyết phục; lại được trình bày rõ ràng, mạch lạc, rất diễn cảm của một nghệ sĩ rap khiến các video của anh rất được chú ý. Tính đến nay kênh Youtube của Prince Ea đã có gần 2 triệu người đăng kí với hơn 120 triệu lượt xem. Nhiều video của anh thực sự đã gây "bão mạng".

Thử xem vài video.

1. I Just Sued The School System
Lắng nghe xem Prince Ea làm sao mà đòi kiện hệ thống giáo dục Mỹ:

Giáo dục Mỹ, nơi mơ ước của bao thanh niên Việt còn bị chê đến thế, ko biết Ea qua đây mà coi giáo dục nước nhà thì sao nhỉ?

2. Dear Future Generations, Sorry

Có lấy về transcript bài nói của Ea dành cho ai muốn luyện tiếng Anh

Dear Future Generations,
I think I speak for the rest of us when I say,
sorry, sorry we left you our mess of a planet.
Sorry that we were too caught up in our own doings to do something.
Sorry we listened to people who made excuses,
to do nothing.
I hope you forgive us,
we just didn't realize how special the earth was,
like a marriage going wrong,
we didn't know what we had until it was gone.

For example,
I'm guessing you probably know what is the Amazon Desert, right?
Well believe it or not,
it was once called once called the Amazon Rain Forest,
and there were billions of trees there,
and all of them gorgeous and just um..
Oh, you don't know much about trees, do you?
Well let me tell you that trees are amazing,
and I mean, we literally breath the air
they are creating, and they clean up our pollution,
our carbon, store and purify water,
give us medicine that cures ours diseases, food that feeds us.
Which is why I am so sorry, to tell you that,
we burned them down.
Cut them down with brutal machines, horrific,
at a rate of 40 football fields every minute,
that's 50% of all the trees in the world all gone
in the last 100 years.
Why? For this.

And that wouldn't make me so sad,
if there weren't so many pictures of leaves on it.
You know when I was a child,
I read how the Native Americans had such consideration,
for the planet that they felt responsible,
for how they left the land for the next 7 generations.
Which brings me great sorrow, because most of us today,
don't even care about tomorrow.
So I'm sorry, I'm sorry that we put profit over people,
greed over need, the rule of gold above the golden rule.
I'm sorry we used nature as a credit card with no spending limit.
Over drafting animals to extinction,
stealing your chance to ever see their uniqueness,
or become friends with them.
Sorry we poison the ocean so much that you can't even swim in them.
But most of all, i'm sorry about our mindset,
cause we had the nerve to call this destruction,

Hey Fox News, if you don't think climate change is a threat.
I dare you to interview the thousands of homeless people in Bangladesh,
see while you was in your penthouse nestled,
their homes were literally washed away
beneath their feet due to the rising sea levels,
and Sara Palin, you said that you love the smell of fossil fuels,
well I urge you to talk to the kids of Beijing
who are forced to wear pollution masks just to go to school.
You see you can ignore this, but the thing about truth is,
it can be denied, not avoided.
so I'm sorry future generation,
I'm sorry that our footprints became a sinkhole and not a garden.
I'm sorry that we paid so much attention to ISIS,
and very little how fast the ice is melting in the arctic.
I'm sorry we doomed you
and I'm sorry we didn't find another planet in time to move to.
I am s...

You know what, cut the beat, I'm not sorry.
This future I do not accept it,
because an error does not become a mistake,
until you refuse to correct it.
We can redirect this, how?
Let me suggest that if a farmer sees a tree that is unhealthy,
they don't look at the branches to diagnosis it,
they look at the root, so like that farmer,
we must look at the root,
and not to the branches of the government,
not to the politicians run by corporations.
We are the root, we are the foundation, this generation,
it is up to us to take care of this planet.
It is our only home, we must globally warm our hearts
and change the climate of our souls
and realize that we are not apart from nature,
we are a part of nature.
And to betray nature is to betray us,
to save nature, is to save us.
Because whatever you're fighting for:
Racism, Poverty, Feminism, Gay Rights,
or any type of Equality.
It won't matter in the least,
because if we don't all work together to save the environment,
we will be equally extinct.

3. Why I Refuse to Let Technology Control Me

Bài này nói về một chủ đề rất gần gũi với chúng ta, những người đang online. Thử nghe xem vì sao anh chàng này chống đối kỹ thuật, gọi facebook là mạng phản-xã hội.

Không tìm được bản có vietsub, chịu khó nghe và đọc transcript vậy

Did you know the average person spends 4 years of his life looking down at his cell phone?
Kind of ironic, ain't it?
How these touch-screens can make us lose touch
But it's no wonder in a world filled with iMac’s, iPads and iPhones
So many "i"’s, so many selfies, not enough "us"'s and "we"’s
See, technology
Has made us more selfish and separate than ever
Cause while it claims to connect us, connection has gotten no better
And let me must express first
Mr. Zuckerberg, not to be rude but you should re-classify Facebook to what it is:
An anti-social network
Cause while we may have big friend lists
So many of us are friendless
All alone
Cause friendships and more broken than the screens on our very phones
We sit at home on our computers measuring self-worth by numbers of followers and likes
Ignoring those who actually love us
It seems we’d rather write
An angry post than talk to someone who might actually hug us
Am I bugging? You tell me
Cause I asked a friend the other day, "Let's meet up face to face."
And said, "Alright. What time you wanna Skype?"
I responded with omg, srs, and then a bunch of smh's
And realized what about me?
Do I not have the patience to have conversation without abbreviation?
This is the generation of media over stimulation
Chats have been reduced to snaps
The news is 140 characters
Videos are 6 seconds at high speed
And you wonder why ADD is on the rise faster than 4G LTE
But, get a load of this
Studies show the attention span of the average adult today
Is one second lower than that of a gold fish

So if, you're one of the few people or aquatic animals that have yet to click off or close this video, congratulations
Let me finish by saying you do have a choice, yes
But this one my friends we cannot Auto-Correct - we must do it ourselves
Take control or be controlled, Make a decision
No longer do I want to spoil a precious moment by recording it with a phone
I'm just gonna keep them
I don’t wanna take a picture of all my meals anymore - I 'm just gonna eat them
I don't want the new app, the new software, or the new update
And If I wanna post an old photo, who says I have to wait until Thursday
I'm so tired of performing in the pageantry of vanity
And conforming to this accepted form of digital insanity
Call me crazy but, I imagine a world where we smile when we have low batteries
Cause that will mean we'll be one bar closer - to humanity

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