
The animals went in two by two

Xin giới thiệu hai bài hát tiếng Anh giai điệu vui tươi, dễ hát, từ vựng đơn giản .. rất thích hợp dạy cho trẻ vừa vui chơi vừa học tiếng ..

Chuyện kể xưa xưa xưa .. rất xưa, có lần Trời mưa rất to, kéo dài nhiều ngày, khắp nơi ngập lụt. Ông Nô-ê đóng một chiếc thuyền to để cứu muôn loài .. Nào hãy xem các con vật đi vào tàu tránh mưa như nào nhé.

The Animals Went In 2 By 2

Chúng xếp hàng đi theo từng nhóm rất rất trật tự, đúng không nào  ...
Chúng ta cùng hát cổ vũ tinh thần cho chúng nhé

The Animals Went In 2 By 2 + lyrics
Animal sounds
The Animals Went In 2 By 2 + lyrics
The animals went in two by two - Karaoke
The Animals Went in Two by Two - dance

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The ants go marching one by one  
The ants go marching one by one (Barney@Friends , lyrics)
The ants go marching one by one  + lyrics
The ant go marching one by one + lyrics

Để ý tí, dễ thấy hai bài The animals went in two by twoThe ants go marching one by one  giai điệu nghe na ná như nhau. Thật ra cả hai đều viết trên nền nhạc của bài When Johnny comes marching home. Đây là bài hát do Louis Lambert sáng tác năm 1863, thời kỳ nội chiến Mỹ, nói lên ước mong người thân được giả từ vũ khí trở về nhà.
Chúng ta nghe bản này nào

When Johnny comes marching home
When Johnny comes marching home

Sau đây là lời các bài hát để tham khảo. (Click vào để đọc .. đọc xong, click dấu nó đi cho gọn)

lyrics The animals went in two by two

The animals went in two by two, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in two by two, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in two by two, the elephant and the kangaroo
And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain.
The animals went in three by three, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in three by three, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in three by three, the wasp, the ant and the bumble bee
And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain.

The animals went in four by four, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in four by four, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in four by four, the great hippopotamus stuck in the door
And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain.

The animals went in five by five, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in five by five, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in five by five, they warmed each other to keep alive
And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain.

The animals went in six by six, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in six by six, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in six by six, they turned out the monkey because of his tricks
And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain.

The animals went in seven by seven, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in seven by seven, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in seven by seven, the little pig thought he was going to heaven
And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain.

The animals went in eight by eight, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in eight by eight, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in eight by eight, the turtle thought that he was coming late,
And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain.

The animals went in nine by nine, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in nine by nine, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in nine by nine, marching up in a long straight line,
And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain.

The animals went in ten by ten, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in ten by ten, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in ten by ten, the last one was a little red hen,
And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain.

lyrics The ants go marching one by one

The ants go marching one by one.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching one by one.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching one by one;
The little one stops to suck his thumb,
And they all marching down into the ground,
To get out of the rain.
Boom, boom, boom, boom!

The ants go marching two by two.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching two by two.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching two by two,
The little one stops to tie a shoe,
And they all marching down into the ground,
To get out of the rain.
Boom, boom, boom, boom!

The ants go marching three by three.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching three by three.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching three by three,
The little one stuff of the grant the tree,
And they all marching down into the ground,
To get out of the rain.
Boom, boom, boom, boom!

The ants go marching four by four.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching four by four.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching four by four,
The little one stuff of the shut the door,
And they all marching down into the ground,
To get out of the rain.
Boom, boom, boom, boom!

The ants go marching five by five.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching five by five.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching five by five,
The little one stuff of the take the time,
And they all marching down into the ground,
To get out of the rain.
Boom, boom, boom, boom!

The ants go marching six by six.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching six by six.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching six by six,
The little one stuff of the pick up sticks,
And they all marching down into the ground,
To get out of the rain.
Boom, boom, boom, boom!

lyrics When Johnny comes marching home

    When Johnny comes marching home again
        Hurrah! Hurrah!
    We'll give him a hearty welcome then
        Hurrah! Hurrah!
    The men will cheer and the boys will shout
    The ladies they will all turn out
        And we'll all feel gay
    When Johnny comes marching home.
    The old church bell will peal with joy
        Hurrah! Hurrah!
    To welcome home our darling boy,
        Hurrah! Hurrah!
    The village lads and lassies say
    With roses they will strew the way,
        And we'll all feel gay
    When Johnny comes marching home.
    Get ready for the Jubilee,
        Hurrah! Hurrah!
    We'll give the hero three times three,
        Hurrah! Hurrah!
    The laurel wreath is ready now
    To place upon his loyal brow
        And we'll all feel gay
    When Johnny comes marching home.
    Let love and friendship on that day,
        Hurrah, hurrah!
    Their choicest pleasures then display,
        Hurrah, hurrah!
    And let each one perform some part,
   To fill with joy the warrior's heart,
        And we'll all feel gay
    When Johnny comes marching home. 

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