
How to teach reading with phonics

Loạt bài gồm 12 clip có ích cho ai có con nhỏ đang học tiếng Anh

 Lesson 1 - The Sounds of English

Learn the alphabet, short vowel and consonants sounds, and begin developing great pronunciation.

Welcome to The Sounds of English with EnglishAnyone.com! The three primary colors are red, yellow and blue. If you mix these colors, you can create a whole rainbow of new colors. The English alphabet has 26 letters. Mix them correctly and you will be able to spell, read and say the more than 40 different sounds of English.

English can be confusing! We know! Why do some letters make different sounds? "On" becomes "one." "One" becomes "phone." And why do different letters make the same sounds? "Newt" and "suit" both share the same "oo" sound. Native speakers can also get confused. We misspell words all the time! But don't worry; If we learned English, anyone can!

If you watch these simple, fun lessons, you will learn new words, improve your pronunciation, gain the confidence to speak, and start getting fluent!

Because we want you to learn quickly, you won't see every English letter and sound combination in this video series. But, we'll show you some words that break the rules and you'll be learning more than enough to teach yourself English.

Now, sit back, relax and start learning!

Great pronunciation begins with mastering the alphabet! Letter sounds change, but letter names do not. So, let's learn the alphabet first. Here we go. Please repeat after me. (Repeat alphabet letters)

Now, let's forget the names of the letters and learn some sounds.

The sounds of English are like music. The vowel sounds are the melody of English. The vowels are A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y. Vowels can make many sounds, but we will teach you the short vowel sounds first. Please repeat the short vowel sounds. (Repeat short vowel sounds)

Very good! The other letters of the alphabet are the consonants. These sounds are like the beat in the music of English. ("tuh," "kuh," "sh," "ch") Consonants also make many sounds, but you will learn the short consonants sounds first.

You'll hear two sounds for the letters C and G. The hard C sounds like this (kuh). The soft C sounds like this (sss). The hard G sounds like this (guh). The soft G sounds like this (juh). Usually, if the letters A, O or U follow the letters C or G, then C and G make their hard sounds. If the letters E or I follow the letters C and G, then C and G make their soft sounds. Please repeat the short consonant sounds. (Repeat short consonant sounds)

Great job! Review this lesson any time! In lesson two, we'll start building words!

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2 nhận xét:

  1. hihi học cả trăm clip Magic English cũng ko bít chán, chứ ngâm kíu món này thì ngại lắm í Khùng ạ

    Trả lờiXóa
    Trả lời
    1. uh kĩ thuật thì chán mà. Như khi học hát mà học luyện thanh í. Cứ aaaaaaaa ooooooooo hì.
      hay học võ mà bắt đứng tấn. :d

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